Chapple, D., Rackensperger, T., McNaughton, D., Baker, K., & Cherry, M. (2022, January 26-29). “Make them see you as a person”: Recommendations for improving patient-provider communication from adults with CP who use AAC [Conference session]. Assistive Technology Industry Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL and virtual.
For people who use AAC, it is common to experience communication breakdowns in healthcare settings. Communication breakdowns can contribute to negative healthcare experiences and adverse outcomes.

In this study, we surveyed 34 adults with cerebral palsy who use AAC to better understand their experiences interacting with healthcare professionals. Specifically, we were interested in understanding what both patients and providers can do to improve outcomes, and how can AAC technology provide more effective support.

Participants identified strategies that were used least commonly by communication partners in negative interactions.

Participants also identified strategies that were most commonly used by communication partners during positive interactions.

Finally, participants offered advice for other AAC users regarding strategies to support successful interactions.

Recorded presentation (requires an ATIA learning center login)