The development projects of the RERC on AAC will develop innovative engineering solutions to address the communication barriers faced by individuals with complex communication needs. These new AAC interventions and technologies will reduce physical, cognitive, and linguistic burdens, and increase participation in education, employment, healthcare, and community living.
D1: Access Assistant Software to Improve Alternative Access Services
- Team Leaders: Heidi Koester, Susan Fager
- AAC Consumer Team: Wiley, Cuttlers, Rogge
D2: Smart Select: a new switch access method
- Team Leaders: John Brumberg, Susan Fager, Heidi Koester,
- AAC Consumer Team: Cuttlers, Rogge
D3: mTraining in AAC for Communication Partners
- Team Leaders: Janice Light, David McNaughton, Susan Fager, Jessica Gormley
- AAC Consumer Team: Klein, Nazareth, Larson