Team Leaders: Heidi Koester, Susan Fager
AAC Consumer Team: Wiley, Cuttlers, Rogge
Challenge and Background Information
- 2 million Americans have severe motor impairments.
- Many cannot use standard access methods
- They require alternative access
- Many service providers receive minimal training in AAC.
- Lack knowledge & skills to conduct alternative access assessment
- As a result, many individuals with motor impairments are provided with access methods that are sub-optimal.

The new RERC on AAC will develop and evaluate an evidence-based protocol & software tool (Access Assistant) to support more effective and efficient alternative access assessment. The proposed outcomes will include:
- Improved delivery of alternative access services
- Improved access for individuals with significant motor impairments
- Increased participation in education, employment, & community living
Heidi Koester and colleagues presented an update on Access Assistant project, a new evidence-based protocol & software tool to support more effective and efficient alternative access assessment (presented at RESNA 2021).
Presentations and Publications
- Koester, H., Fager, S., Jakobs, E., & Sorenson, T. (2021, July). Designing an App for computer access assessments: Using interviews to uncover and define user needs. Annual Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America [Scientific Poster]. Virtual Conference.
- Koester, H., Fager, S., Jakobs, E., & Sorenson, T. (2022, February). Designing an app for alternative access assessments: Using prototypes and user studies to evaluate and improve the design. Submitted for presentation.