Özdenizci, O., Wang, Y., Koike-Akino, T., & Erdoğmuş, D. (2020). Learning invariant representations from EEG via adversarial inference. IEEE Access, 8, 27074-27085. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2971600
Abstract: Discovering and exploiting shared, invariant neural activity in electroencephalogram (EEG) based classification tasks is of significant interest for generalizability of decoding models across subjects or EEG recording sessions. While deep neural networks are recently emerging as generic EEG feature extractors, this transfer learning aspect usually relies on the prior assumption that deep networks naturally behave as subject- (or session-) invariant EEG feature extractors. We propose a further step towards invariance of EEG deep learning frameworks in a systemic way during model training. We introduce an adversarial inference approach to learn representations that are invariant to inter-subject variabilities within a discriminative setting. We perform experimental studies using a publicly available motor imagery EEG dataset, and state-of-the-art convolutional neural network based EEG decoding models within the proposed adversarial learning framework. We present our results in cross-subject model transfer scenarios, demonstrate neurophysiological interpretations of the learned networks, and discuss potential insights offered by adversarial inference to the growing field of deep learning for EEG.