Light, J., Beukelman, D.R., McNaughton, D., & Jakobs, T. (October, 2018). New AAC technologies to enhance communication and participation. Poster presented at the NIDILRR 40th Anniversary Celebration, Washington, DC.
On October 18, 2018, Janice Light will present a poster on research and development activities for Visual Scene Displays (VSDs) and video VSDs as part of the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) in Washington, DC.
Click to download poster as a pdf
- Trudeau, N., Sutton, A., & Morford, J. P. (2014). An investigation of developmental changes in interpretation and construction of graphic AAC symbol sequences through systematic combination of input and output modalities. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 30, 187-199. doi:10.3109/07434618.2014.940465
- Drager, K., Light, J., Currall, J., Muttiah, N., Smith, V., Kreis, D., Nilam-Hall, A., Parratt, D., Schuessler, K., Shermetta, K., & Wiscount, J. (2017). AAC technologies with visual scene displays and “just in time” programming and symbolic communication turns expressed by students with severe disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Advance online publication. doi:10.3109/13668250.2017.1326585
- Brock, K., Koul, R., Corwin, M., & Schlosser, R. (2017). A comparison of visual scene and grid displays for people with chronic aphasia: A pilot study to improve communication using AAC. Aphasiology, 31, 1282-1306. doi:10.1080/02687038.2016.1274874
- Light, J., McNaughton, D., & Caron, J. (in press). New and emerging AAC technology supports for children with complex communication needs and their partners: State of the science and future research directions. Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
- Beukelman, D. R., Hux, K., Dietz, A., McKelvey, M., & Weissling, K. (2015). Using visual scene displays as communication support options for people with chronic, severe aphasia: A summary of AAC research and future research directions. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 31, 234-245. doi:10.3109/07434618.2015.1052152
- Light, J., & McNaughton, D. (2012). Supporting the communication, language, and literacy development of children with complex communication needs: State of the science and future research priorities. Assistive Technology, 24, 34-44. doi:10.1080/10400435.2011.648717
- Light, J., Caron, J., Currall, J., Knudtson, C., Ekman, M., Holyfield, C. Breakstone, B., & Drager, K. (2016, August). Just-in-time programming of AAC apps for children with complex communication needs. Seminar presented at the biennial conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Toronto, Canada.
- Holyfield, C., Drager, K., Light, J., & Caron, J. G. (2017). Typical toddlers’ participation in “Just-in-Time” programming of vocabulary for visual scene display augmentative and alternative communication apps on mobile technology: A descriptive study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26, 737-749. doi:10.1044/2017_AJSLP-15-0197
- Drager, K., Light, J., Currall, J., Muttiah, N., Smith, V., Kreis, D., Nilam-Hall, A., Parratt, D., Schuessler, K., Shermetta, K., & Wiscount, J. (2017). AAC technologies with visual scene displays and “just in time” programming and symbolic communication turns expressed by students with severe disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Advance online publication. doi:10.3109/13668250.2017.1326585
- Holyfield, C., Caron, J.G., Drager, K., & Light, J. (2018). Effect of mobile technology featuring visual scene displays and “just-in-time” programming on communication turns by pre-adolescent and adolescent beginning communicators. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology. Advance online publication. doi:1080/17549507.2018.1441440
- Beukelman, D. R., Hux, K., Dietz, A., McKelvey, M., & Weissling, K. (2015). Using visual scene displays as communication support options for people with chronic, severe aphasia: A summary of AAC research and future research directions. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 31, 234-245. doi:10.3109/07434618.2015.1052152
- Light, J., McNaughton, D., & Jakobs, T. (2014). Developing AAC technology to support interactive video visual scene displays. RERC on AAC: Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Retrieved from
- Babb, S., Gormley, J., McNaughton, D., & Light, J. (2018). Enhancing independent participation within vocational activities for an adolescent with ASD using AAC Video Visual Scene Displays. Journal of Special Education Technology. Advance online publication doi:10.1177/0162643418795842
- O’Neill, T., Light, J., & McNaughton, D. (2017). Videos with integrated AAC Visual Scene Displays to enhance participation in community and vocational activities: Pilot case study with an adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 2(12), 55-69. doi:10.1044/persp2.sig12.55
- Caron, J., Holyfield, C., Light, J., & McNaughton, D. (2018). “What have you been doing?”: Supporting displaced talk through augmentative and alternative communication Video Visual Scene Display technology. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 3(12), 123-135. doi: 1044/persp3.SIG12.123
- Caron, J., Laubscher, E., Light, J., McNaughton, D., Slowey, A. & Starr, V. (2018, July). Watch and talk: Effects of video VSDs on communication turns with individuals with ASD. Paper presented at the State of the Science Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (RERC on AAC), Arlington, VA. Poster retrieved from
- Chapin, S.E., McNaughton, D., Light, J., McCoy, A., & Caron, J. (2018, July). Effects of video visual scene display technology on the symbolic communicative turns taken by preschoolers with ASD during a shared activity. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, Arlington, VA. Abstract retrieved from
- Laubscher, E., Light, J. & McNaughton, D. (2018, July). Effects of video AAC technology on communication during play. Paper presented at the State of the Science Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (RERC on AAC), Arlington, VA. Poster retrieved from
- Holyfield, C., Light, J., Drager, K., McNaughton, D., & Gormley, J. (2018). Effect of AAC partner training using video on peers’ interpretation of the behaviors of presymbolic middle-schoolers with multiple disabilities. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/07434618.2018.1508306
- Williams, B. (2000). More than an exception to the rule. In M. Fried-Oken and H. Bersani (Eds.). Speaking up and spelling it out. 245–254. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.