The RERC on AAC will be presenting at ASHA in Seattle, WA on December 5-7, 2024. Handouts will be available.
Effect of NDBIs and Aided AAC on the Language Development of Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Systematic Review (Pope et al., 2024)
Pope, L., Light, J. & Laubscher, E. (2024).The Effect of Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions and Aided AAC on the Language Development of Children on the Autism Spectrum with Minimal Speech: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
AAC Interventions for children with visual and motor impairments (Brittlebank et al., 2024)
Individuals with multiple disabilities are among the most challenging to serve and AAC teams often lack direction in determining effective interventions. Children with both visual and motor impairments often have complex communication needs. Often the the term multiple disabilities is used to capture individuals who experience two or more impairments. This scoping review focused on the research evidence on AAC interventions for individuals with complex communication needs and multiple disabilities.
ATIA 2024
The RERC on AAC will be presenting at the ATIA2024 Conference in Orlando, Florida on January 25-27. Handouts will be available below.
Effects of an AAC Decoding Feature on Single-Word Reading by Individuals With Down Syndrome (Holyfield et al., 2023)
This article describes how a decoding feature in the T2L program affects single-word reading. The words were targeted in adapted books with individuals with Down syndrome. Participants showed increased reading ability including decoding novel words.