The RERC on AAC will present at ASHA in New Orleans, November 17-19, 2022. Handouts will be available here after the conference.
The sky is only the beginning: Living life without limits (Webcast)
In this presentation to a graduate class in speech language pathology at Penn State University, Godfrey describe his experiences as a person with a diagnosis of ALS, and his use of AAC to support a full rich life.
AAC and college life: Just do it! (webcast)
In this webcast, Beth Anne describes her experiences as a student at California University of Pennsylvania.
Successful Employment for Individuals who use AAC (webcast)
David McNaughton and Anthony Arnold describe strategies to support employment for individuals who use AAC.
Disaster preparedness for people with complex communication needs: A personal perspective (Webcast)
In this presentation, Pamela Kennedy describes her experiences as an individual with complex communication needs and as a survivor of the Grand Forks flood of 1997.