O’Neill, T., Wilkinson, K., Light, J., Neumann, E., (2016, November). Preliminary investigation of eye gaze on Visual Scene Displays (VSDs) with a navigation menu. Poster at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA), Philadelphia, PA. [Handout].
Abstract: It is critical to understand how individuals visually process AAC displays in order to optimize AAC design. We examined visual attention to visual scene displays and navigation menus by individuals with developmental disabilities. The goal is to help develop displays that minimize visual processing demands and maximize efficiency of use.
One interesting finding – adults with Typical Development fixated quickly on the target after the cue, as indicated by the steep slope in the percent of opportunities on which the target was reached within just a few fixations (see Graph 2b in the Handout ). Slopes for the participants with ASD, DS, or IDD are virtually indistinguishable from those of the children with TD with similar receptive vocabulary ages.