Babb, S., Gormley, J., McNaughton, D., & Light, J. (2018, July). Applications of video visual scene display technology in a vocational setting. Poster presented at the State of the Science Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (RERC on AAC), Arlington, Va.
Babb et al. (2018) Poster
- Approximately 25-50% of adults with ASD are employed (Hendricks, 2010; Wehman et al., 2012) with the majority of these individuals described as “high functioning” and using speech to communicate.
- Many individuals with ASD (20-30%) do not use speech to communicate and are described as having complex communication needs (CCN). Employment can be challenging for these individuals, as research suggests that less than 5% of individuals with CCN are employed.
- For individuals with both ASD and CCN, challenges with speech may increase the communication and social interaction difficulties in the workplace (Mirenda, 2014).
- This study investigated whether videos integrated with VSDs would increase the percent of steps completed (and communication opportunities fulfilled) during vocational activities for an adolescent with ASD and CCN.
For a list of all poster presentations at the RERC on AAC State of the Science Conference, click here.