RERC on AAC partners David Beukelman, Melanie Fried-Oken, and Janice Light presented in Toronto, Canada, for ISAAC 2016, August 8 – 11, 2016.
Monday, August 8
• Designing AAC interventions and research to improve outcomes for individuals with complex communication needs
Janice Light, David McNaughton (handout as pdf)
Tuesday, August 9
• Evidence-based Literacy Intervention and Apps for Individuals Who Require AAC
Janice Light, David McNaughton, Jessica Gosnell Caron (handout as pdf)
Wednesday, August 10
• Designing effective AAC systems for young children with complex communication needs to support communication development
Janice Light (handout as pdf)
• Providing Communication Access for Patients: The Role of AAC Across Healthcare Settings
Sarah Blackstone, David Beukelman, John Costello, Richard Hurtig, Lisa Bardach, Kathryn Yorkston (handout as pdf)
• Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Adults with Total Locked-In Syndrome
Betts Peters, Brandon Eddy, Kendra McInturf, Melanie Fried-Oken (handout as pdf)
Thursday, August 11
• Research and Development Project Update of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for AAC
Janice Light, Melanie Fried-Oken, David McNaughton, David Beukelman, Susan Fager, Tom Jakobs (handout as pdf)
• Challenges and opportunities in creating synergy between AAC and brain-computer interfaces
Melanie Fried-Oken, Hochberg Leigh, Jane Huggins, Mary Ann Romski, Theresa Vaughan (handout as pdf)
• Using Communication Supports to Enhance Communication Effectiveness of People with Severely Dysarthric Speech (handout as pdf )
David Beukelman, Susan Fager