Babb, S., McNaughton, D., Light, J., Wydner, K., & Pierce, L. (2019, February). Increasing Independence with AAC Video Visual Scene Displays. Presentationat the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Babb et al. (2019) Handout (pdf)
Abstract: AAC interventions designed to enhance communication, independence, and meaningful participation in natural environments are desperately needed for individuals with complex communication needs (CCN). Videos with integrated AAC visual scene displays (VSDs) may provide a solution as they capture dynamic routines that support communication in real settings. This presentation details findings of a study that evaluated effects of video VSDs on the communication opportunities fulfilled and steps completed by four adolescents with complex communication needs within a vocational task. The presentation will include pre-intervention and intervention videos to illustrate the performance of the participants.
The results provide preliminary evidence that videos with integrated VSDs may serve as an effective means to maximize participation and communication for adolescents with CCN in vocational contexts. This assistive technology could reduce dependence on aides and increase opportunities for employment and independent participation in meaningful community activities. Clinical implications and future research directions will be discussed.
All RERC on AAC projects presented at ATIA 2019 can be found here.