On October 18, 2018, Janice Light will present a poster on research and development activities for Visual Scene Displays (VSDs) and video VSDs as part of the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) in Washington, DC.
Improving literacy outcomes for individuals with ASD and limited speech
This webcast summarizes the positive results observed for research-based literacy interventions with individuals with ASD
Introduction to AAC (webcast)
This introductory level webcast on “AAC and Children” by Kathy Drager, Janice Light, and David McNaughton (Penn State University) is designed as an introduction to the use of AAC.
Public school students: Who can pay for SGDs?
Lew Golinker, a lawyer with the Assistive Technology Law Center, provides information on funding resources for public school students who require a speech generating device.
AAC for Aphasia: A Review of Visual Scenes Display Project (Webcast)
This webcast reviews the research and development activities associated with the Visual Scenes Display (VSD) Project at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.