Gormley & Fager evaluated preferences for keyboard layouts for individuals with and without brain injuries.
Providing services in the inpatient rehabilitation setting (Gormley & Light, 2019)
Gormley and Light describe the experiences of 11 SLPs who work with people with complex communication needs within the inpatient rehabilitation setting
Hospitals as a language learning context for children with complex medical needs (Gormley et al., 2018)
At the 2018 ASHA Conference, Gormley and colleagues presented a case study of the language learning contexts observed during a hospital stay of a child with CCN.
Exploring child-parent-provider communication on an inpatient rehabilitation unit (Gormley et al., 2018)
At the 2018 ASHA Conference, Gormley et al. shared their findings of the interactions between a child with CCN, her parents, and health care providers on an inpatient rehabilitation unit.
RERC on AAC at ASHA 2018
Many RERC Partners are scheduled to present at the ASHA 2018 Convention in Boston, MA.